The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle : MSNBCW : July 31, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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that's tonight's final word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhl starts now. tonight, kamala harris responds to trump's attack to her race. and harris campaign scores

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a key endorsem*nt from united auto workers union. plus new york senator corey booker is here for the state of the united states presidential race and much more. as the 11th hour starts. good evening once again i'm stephanie ruhl. we're now just 97 days away from the election and both kamala harris and donald trump were on the campaign trail today in a big way. in houston tonight, the vice president responded to trump after he attacked her identity at the national association of black journalists conference. just take a listen. >> it was the same old show. the divisiveness and the disrespect. and let me just say, the american people deserve better. the american people deserve better. the american people deserve a

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leader who tells the truth, a leader who does not respond with hostility and anger when confronted with the facts. we deserve a leader who understands that our differences do not divide us. they are an essential source of our strength. >> our own garrett hayes has the details on trump's controversial appearance earlier today. >> reporter: former president trump facing fierce backlash after he claimed that vice president harris did not identify as black. >> i didn't know she was black. until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black. so i don't know, is she indian or is she black. i respect either one. but she obviously wasn't. because she was indian all the

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way. then she made a turn and became a black person. >> what you just read out to me is repulsive, it's insulting. >> reporter: harris is the daughter of indian and jamaican immigrants. her campaign tonight saying quote, tonight's tirade is simply the chaos and division that has been part of the maga rallies. it came out during a combative interview. >> i've done so much for the black population of this country. including, employment, including opportunity. >> reporter: but later was asked about the immigration that were taken, so called black jobs. >> what exactly is a black job, sir. >> anybody that has a job.

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anybody that has a job. >> it's taking the employment away from black people. >> the worse border crisis on american history on her watch. >> reporter: but harris flipping the switch overnight. >> he taints the bipartisan deal because he thought it would help him win an election. which goes to show, donald trump does not care about border security. he only cares about himself. >> reporter: harris is now just one step closer to becoming the official nominee. the dnc virtual roll call begins tomorrow morning and we're all potentially days away from learning who harris has picked to be her running mate. the committee is teasing some

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joint travel through battleground states next week. today the united auto workers came out in support of harris. uaw president shaun payne explained why on this network. >> union or not, we're all fighting the same thing. workers have been left behind for decades in this country and it's due to politics trump's america pushes. it's tax breaks, trump's tax cuts for the wealthy. 8% of the benefits went to the top 1%. you have one candidate in trump who respects the baner camp. and you have a candidate in kamala harris who stands for working class people. and she's shown it through her actions. >> reporter: you heard it. with that let's get smarter with the help of our lead off panel tonight. john adams for nbc, axios

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political reporter nichols and steel, former lieutenant governor. michael, you know we're going to start with trump at the nlbj conference. watching his comments must have been like watching a baby crawl through the interstate. >> i don't think the baby made it. i appreciated stewart's tweet. there's a couple of things that were going on with this that was pretty interesting to note. one, trump wanted the platform. wanted to take advantage of the platform. a lot of people saying, the person who put him up to this or agreed to do this should have been fired. no. not after thanking them first. the reason for that is, the second piece of this we got to

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see trump. we got to hear him engage with african-american journalists, african-american women in particular. we got to see him more. the more that interview went on the more we got to hear how weird, inhinged, combative and child like in his behavior at times he is. but the other side and probably the most important piece was to get in front of that platform and i hope people appreciate something very important. he wasn't talking to that audience. he wasn't talking to try to galvanize black voters per se. a lot of that, particularly the more combative portions of it. you don't go into someone's house and start breaking their furniture and expect them to

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like you. or criticize how their mama made dinner. and expect them to want them back. that was for their base. for a week or so more now, been pushing out this conversation around, well is she really black? is she really black? what is she. mispronouncing her name. the vice president's name. so that was a wink and a nod, i get it. i'm with you. i hear you. it was less for the folks of that audience than anything else. i hope people don't get that twisted becauses that not how you go and have a conversation with black folk. i don't care if you're donald trump or not. not if you want that vote. >> then michael, do you think the navj got used tonight. do they regret having him there? because if they didn't, think about that headline. unwilling to sit down with the republican nominee. >> no that's exactly caused

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that that led to one of the members of the leadership to resign. because it did cause a kind of life within the body itself. there was nobody who wanted him there. notice what happened when he was introduced. no applause. you could tell he was waiting for it but it wasn't coming. there was that tension for having him there. as much tension as it was. i think it's very important that he be there. and that be exposed that way. look. we have had donald trump off the radar screen and people have forgotten what he sounds like and how he engages with people he doesn't like more importantly not respect. you got a full taste of that. so much so. that was supposed to be an hour interview. his staff, his campaign pulled that after 34 minutes because

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at a certain point, like we started the conversation, that baby was having a hard time getting across that highway. >> he wasn't exposed. he exposed himself. , by choice. by design. what do you make of it. >> i really want to know what the internal conversation is at the trump campaign tonight. on if they feel that went well. and to what audience they were broadcasting, they might think it went well. the better trump reporters, i'm mostly on the harris-biden campaign. it's really an interesting question on what sort of his intercore thinks and sort of a broader group that he talks to. whether or not they think that was a success. and i don't, i don't know the answer to that. i mean, the broader question we've always had about trump and seems to percolate up every forth night is whether or not

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he's going to run a disciplined campaign. there's going to be a slew of stories there usually is. that this is a new trump. he's disciplined. he's a different candidate. he's changing, he's learned a lot. he's had this near death experience. and every time he's given an opportunity it does seem like the old trump comes out. this seemed vintage trump bottled from 2016 campaign. 2017. this didn't seem the trump of the first 25 minutes of his rnc speech where he did try to turn a new leaf. but again, for the first third of that speech not for the entirety of it. so i think we kind of have our answer on whether donald trump is going to be donald trump. >> but john, he need not feed his base red meat. they're already fat and happy. i mean that figuratively. he's got them locked up, they worship him. those comments are right along the same lines we've been hearing for weeks. she's a diversity hire, she's a

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dei candidate. we heard it. we know who likes it. but is there a risk that the it's going to turn off central voters. for the haley supporters, let's remember was of color. >> what he did on the campaign trail was to continue to divide people. in his mind it was just like, if i can just jack up my base big enough i have will beat the other side. what we saw was a huge number of republicans that were a fraction of the increase in democratic voters in 2020. so what he was able to do with all that divisiveness is create more people that disliked him than people who like him. i think there's a combination of things going on here. he walked in there and wanted to be combative. i think that is helpful for him

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with his base. no political operative would have advised him to do that. i think what he's doing the core donald trump. this was his instinct. this is who he is. as far as what the trump campaign is thinking it doesn't really matter because they respond to what he does. they react to what he does. they try to manage him ahead of time. they try to manage him a little after but no one is telling him know. >> let's go deeper into strategy because alternatives are labeling harris as the border czar. she's trying to flip the script. donald trump tanking the bipartisan border deal. is that the right way for her to handle this line of attack? >> i think so. at least in the first instances of it absolutely. because we don't have a deal. not because of anything the border czar as she's been termed by the hard right in

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maga did. or that the biden administration didn't do. it didn't happen because republicans killed it. and they killed it because donald trump told them to. and she made that very clear. and so why, you had this narrative that's out there and it's a very potent one for republicans. they killed their own story. they killed their own opportunity to really use the political sledge hammer against then biden and now kamala harris by, you know, putting in the work to create a very conservative border bill with senator one of the most conservative senators in the senate senator langeford leading it. and to go out and get republicans in the house and the senate lined up behind it. only to have donald trump recognize oh, hell i want to have something to run on if they take this off the table, i

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can't use immigration as a. we were involved because we were hopeful. we were hope. because it was the first time we could get something in this problem for the last 25, 30 years. and so, i think it's a really good strategy to lean into that as much as she can. and they will do some more of it but there does come a point where you're going to have to offer. okay what will you do to fix it. she said, she wants that bill resurrected and she will sign it. but i think probably a little more juice on that would make it more, stimulating conversation for voters. it's not enough to say, okay just send me the bill and i will sign it. the same bill. but they also want to know,

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what are you going to do to address what we perceive to be a bigger problem than maybe that bill alone represents. and so that will be the next part to see whether or not she can address that. john, i realize getting a big union endorsem*nt is different than it used to be. just because you have the leadership doesn't mean you have the rank in file. however, vice president harris did get the auw endorsem*nt today. what's your take on this? how are they going to deal with this. >> i mean it's a big deal in this way, stephanie. you make a good point. obviously not everybody on the auto union workers is not going to vote for harris. you mobilize their group. when i say working for the campaign i don't mean directly working for the campaign but they will have people to turn

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out to the campaign. you get money from that union or from its allies. so this is a big deal for her. particularly a big deal in michigan. a state that had been slipping away from democrats. we'll have to see if she's able to put it back in play. if it changes much of what that dynamic was. but, this is, this is a big deal for her. >> hans explain this one to us. because you have new reporting that wall street, big investors out there think vp harris will pick a governor as her running mate. because those guys are being pressed for donations by her campaign, explain this. >> the moment you put a governor you're subject to all kinds of fcc ruleless. rules. these are pay to play rules. there's good reason why you don't let advisors, investors

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give money to ags, lieutenant governors, governors that control trillions of dollars in pension funds. that's the rule. if you're going to have a governor on your ticket you better get all your wall street money in. i'm using wall street figuratively here. you better get all that money before you announce that governor. they were getting pressure from the biden campaign to get their money in now. the urgency by which sort of that message was conveyed led them to believe that harris is down to picking between governors. and there's some qualified governors out there. that would rule out mark kelly. not

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did they say, it might be a governor, it might be a good idea to get your donations in now. and that's sort of what i don't know. you can now that story. >> maybe they're trying to get every dollar as soon as as they can. let mel correct one thing, we don't have the same sources, you know that. my sources are your sources' bosses. great to see you hahn. thank you. >> if you actually broke a story every now and again.

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>> hahn, great to see all of you gentlemen. the democratic party is buzzing with fresh energy but will it last through november. senator corey booker from my state of new jersey here. and shrinking window to frame who she is as a candidate before the right tries to do it for her. the 11th hour just getting under way on a spicy wednesday. with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ farxiga ♪

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well baby, what a difference a month makes for democrats. take a look at the front page of the new york times four weeks ago today. the top story, all about how some in the party worried about president biden's mental state

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after. and here is the top. beyonce has conquered the track. and that sums up, how long can democrats ride this incredible wave of new energy? well this evening i'm glad to welcome someone who knows the likely nominee vice president harris very, very well. democratic senator corey booker of the greatest state in the nation, new jersey. we have so much to talk about but i want to start with something pretty serious. i want to get your response, your reaction to what former president donald trump said about vice president's harris' date today at the nhvj event and how he's responded since then. >> look, i think this is a standard play book for donald trump to try to deflect and divide. he brings up things that he knows will be considered outrageous by people on our side of the aisle and all we want to do is talk about that.

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this is really his ability to deflect from what the real issues of this election are and try to divide our country against itself and opportunistically capitalize on that. think about this for a second. we're talking about whether a black woman is black. and all these people are rushing to say, oh she was an aka, and she went to a historically black college. enough of that. let's talk about the economy. let's talk about health care. donald trump doesn't want to talk about that. he doesn't want to talk about his ripping away the right of women's control of her body. he doesn't want to talk about blowing the economy with tax cuts. and as they were under harris and biden with the child tax credit. he doesn't want to talk about the issues so what does he do?

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talk about birtherism saying that obama was not american. and talking about the five and getting his name into the new york times. this is what he does. this is supposed to bring our country together for common purpose and really the sense of common cause. he divides us against each other using racial tropes as his tool. i have seen this in the republican party too much. >> do you think this election is going to be, you said the most important issues of the election, you brought up policy. and there's often questions what is kamala harris' policy going to be on x and y. is this election going to be about policy. donald trump to the point you made, never covers that. >> he is going to bring up x,

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y, z. i want our party and i know what kamala harris wants to talk about is the economy. which administration created more jobs. which created more manufacturing jobs. even look at something like the stock market and how corporations and businesses did. i know this has been more black business news starts and over all entrepreneurs more than in the last 25 years. this is an administration under biden-harris has a record to run on. in terms of lowering the cost of prescription drugs. trump talked about it. biden-harris lowered the cost of insulin. infrastructure week here in jersey, the biggest infrastructure investment made. donald trump had infrastructure

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week but biden-harris actually got something done. >> i want to correct you, he had eight infrastructure week. how do you wonder how it's happening. some are doubting this enthusiasm, this fund raising. some don't even believe it's real. what do you say about this excitement to them. >> i would say in god we trust but everybody else bring me data. i look at the data points. i'm just coming from debating in nevada where they had a tidal wave of people signing up to campaign. they have record people signing up to make phone calls, to knock on door, to write postcards. i hraopblg look at the money coming in. those are real dollars and cents. and they have broken records. not just for democratic nominees, or republican nominees, all nominees in all of time they have created a record now for a one week haul. this is an extraordinarily

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exciting time and this momentum is going to continue. and donald trump doesn't know what to do. so he falls back on his old play book. when he started his last campaign, casting spurge eons, talking about people coming across the border were rapists and murderers. he is going to say outrageous things to the middle class families which should unite us. what should we be talking about today. the fact that the united auto workers. my grandfather got out of poverty because of of his united auto workers job. we should campaign in michigan. donald trump doesn't want to talk about that. he wants to divide us along racial line, gender lines, as opposed to what we need to do

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in this country now is forget the tribalism, forget the divisiveness. >> perhaps that's why he's chosen jd vance which spreads ideas and divisiveness. i want to talk about the child tax credit. because schumer is putting the child tax credit expansion up for a vote tomorrow. there's actually some senate republicans who want to block this thing. i'm confused by it. you work in the senate so i need an explanation. j.d. vance made it very clear republicans are the profamily party. right. his whole brand is family, family, family. but on top of that it seems like he may not even cast a vote because he's going to be campaigning. profamily and expanding child tax credit should be hand in hand. >> under biden we got it for one year. we were one vote shy.

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one republican could have joined us to expand the tax cut. over 80% got this credit. it cut poverty in half. and brought children below the poverty line above. and in terms of lifetime earnings. if you were profamily you would be there to vote for this bipartisan bill. i will tell you more than that, donald trump did not have the kind of bipartisan successes that biden and harris have on the first gun legislation in over 30 years. infrastructure act. bipartisan acts. these republicans won't join democrats in pushing for maternal care.

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in pushing the kind of policies that strengthen families at the kitchen table. strengthen families who want to raise children. and we have got to start talking about those things as plainly as we have. and who is fighting for american families. who's fighting for safe childbirth. who's fighting for these kind of basic freedoms in our country. who's making it more expensive for families. more difficult for families. harder to find affordable child care. harder to have paid family leave and that's looking at j.d. vance's record. >> let me talk to you about something that republicans and democrats care about. you were part of the judiciary hearing, on the assassination attempt on donald trump's life. >> this was a catastrophic failure amongst the people who are charged with protecting presidents, former presidents and others. this is something we have to get to the bottom of in every single way so it never happens again.

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what we've seen over the last five or six years, is this massive increase in threats against federal judges, threats against presidents and former cabinet members. threats against congress people. we are now going into a period where we're seeing more and more political violence in our country. and that just has to stop. and we have to not only be prepared to prevent it, and protect people who are targets, but we need to be able to as a nation begin to call each other to the highest ideals of our politics. that assassination was a horrible sign for our country. democracies show their weakness when there's political violence. they show their strength when despite their political differences, they can still come together and affirm democratic principles and traditions. that's what we need to do. we don't need to just tamp down the political rhetoric.

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>> amen to that sir. senator booker always great to see you. thank you for joining us tonight. >> thank you for having me. former president trump is known on his name calling. this shake up has his team struggling. we're going to get into it when the 11th hour continues. on eveg with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated

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vice president kamala harris is riding a wave of momentum. while trumps attacks aren't landing with voters yet, that like little won't last forever. harris' chance to define herself is closing unless she takes frame. and tim you know is the host of the podcast and former communications director for republican jeb bush. molly, let's start with you. how should vp harris frame this race? >> i think she already has. she immediately said i'm a prosecutor, he's a criminal. that was her first line. she has an opportunity to do more of that. she's been very careful with her responses to him and not let him dominate the news cycle in a certain way. so she sort of dismisses him. it's a little bit the way obama dealt with himment and him and

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i think it's effective. these things are effective until we see that it's not. i think it's important to not let him distract from what right now is a good period she's going through. >> you know what's not e if effective tim, trump's punches. you have said his campaign has not landed on how they're going to pivot after she entered the race. i don't get that because i don't think it's a big surprise. why aren't the attacking landing. >> i'm surprised about that too. he does have professional strategists around him and they've really been flailing. we got a quote from the new york times that they haven't figured out how to attack her yet and none of the attacks have been landing. until today where they're attacking her for being biracial and that she's not black because her mom is

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indian. that's a sign of a desperate campaign if that's where they're going. it's not off the cuff comments. his campaign put on the big screen at the rally later that night in harrisburg. then that he put on truth social. so, these guys are a little bit lost. i think they had a very clear frame against joe biden. they said as much to the atlantic. it was going to be strong versus weak. that all of, the craziness happening in the world, the border is happening because biden is old and weak. that is kind of ridiculous charge frankly but one that was working politically speaking. they just haven't been able to settle on one that works yet. it's only been a week and a half. >> he said a lot of stuff, and on how and why he picked his running mate j. d. vance. >> when you look at j.d.

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vance, is he ready on day one. >> the vice president in terms of the election does not have any impact. virtually no impact. >> just two weeks ago, you chose jd vance to be your running mate. what do you have to say about that sir? doesn't really matter who the vp is. empty job. makes no difference. what do you think of that molly? >> he's been saying this for a long time. and he even said this about mike pence. it's funny because mike pence gave evangelicals permission to vote for him. right. mike pence was actually so helpful for trump the first time. so i think he just, you know, i think look i'm not a psychiatrist but it certainly feels like this is some kind of narcissistic thing that has to do that he's the only important figure here. but he did get a lot his last

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time as president. >> j.d. vance wrote the forward for a book written by kevin roberts who's the president of the heritage foundation which published project 2025. how much farther to the right is j.d. vance than donald trump. won't this make it harder for them to say, we don't know anything about that thing? >> yeah, well, i think his latest iteration of j.d. vance is quite a bit more to the right of donald trump. obviously that was always the case. eight years ago that was defensible. but he's taken the red pill as they say. what was outlined in that kevin roberts book. we haven't seen everything yet. it's a book that's not yet out. from his endorsem*nt of project 2025 and what hep and j.d.

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vance have been saying it include very strict conditions. lgbt, abortion. all these things that donald trump uses when it's convenient for him. so on stage today, again at the nlvj. he was trying to say, it was trump himself who said i'm moderating the party and i'm trying to moderate the party on things when it comes to abortion and that was one rare thing he said on stage tonight that was true. >> before you two escape, i do want to ask tim about this search for a running mate. mark kelly of arizona is the best pick for democrats if they want to attract independents, what do you think of that take, tim? >> i like mark kelly. obviously he has experience running against someone in the j.d. vance mold. he ran against masters, they're

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both similar. they're both kind of weird to use a popular word this week. to me i just think shapiro quantitatively has the best chance for reaching independents. polls show indents and even some republicans like him. i think he's more skilled than mark kelly on the communication side of the job. which is very important in this constricted time line that we have. i think mark kelly will be a good pick but for me shapiro is the right choice. but it's kamala harris' choice not mine. >> i am sorry we ran out of time. i wanted molly's pick. i'll call you during the break. a regional war after a hamas leader was killed. aftera hamas leader was killed. clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90%

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8:52 pm

what should we know about this? >> this is the challenge right now. it is a big challenge for benjamin netanyahu. the person that was assassinated was the hamas leader delegated to the negotiations for the hamas deal for a potential cease-fire. all of this is making it more complicated for the allies of the united states and israel. it is to support ending the war. just assassinating the person on the other side. >> what do we know about the attack they appear to be considering. >> this is bringing about the rep much closer. it has been a long fuse.

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benjamin netanyahu haven't taken the battle, directly into iran prior to the assassination attempt as well as to lebanon. what iran is looking at is an excuse to escalate. there is not much reason now to have restraint. they are dead set against the united states having any more influence. they see the idea of this backed attack and another one. this has the potential to drag in the united states because of israeli decisions. >> how likely are we going to see this spread or turned into a regional war. >> the fear becomes more real

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every day. there are two versions of how it could go forward. israel might soften the stance because they have taken out a senior leader. they can claim victory or success. and hearing from hostage victims, why now. why make the strike now when there is a new leader in iran, kamala harris stepping up as the democratic leader. that seems more like provocation in testing the waters to see if they will blink. iran is unlikely to blank and the vice president has been harsher tube benjamin netanyahu then the president was. particularly when it comes to the suffering of palestinians. if he continues to go after hezbollah and proxies directly,

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the united states is going to have to disavow what he is doing or end up supporting at which we all know military support is strong and consistent throughout the administration. >> always good to have you. thank you for joining us. when we return, my all-time favorite topic. the goldrush continues with one female swimmer breaking yet another record. i used to leak urine when i coughed, laughed or exercised. i couldn't even enjoy playing with my kids. i leaked too. i just assumed it was normal. then we learned about bulkamid - an fda-approved, non-drug solution for our condition. it really works, and it lasts for years. it's been the best thing we've done for our families. visit to find an expert physician near you. ask if bulkamid is right for you and discuss potential risks.

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9:00 pm

while she was far ahead of the others racing for silver. it has brought ledecky her eighth career gold-medal which ties the record for the most by any american woman in olympic history. she now has a chance to break that record with two more events to come. i can guarantee i will be watching and i hope you will be too. on that note, i wish you a wonderful night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late with me, i will see you tomorrow. until recently the national conversation about the election has been largely focused on white working-class voters.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.