12 Lawn Mower Problems and Troubleshooting (2024)

Home Power Equipment Lawn Mowers

12 Lawn Mower Problems and Troubleshooting (1)

ByRobert Maxwell

Updated: May 15, 2023

    Tired of feeling helpless when something goes wrong with your lawn mower? Learn gas and electric lawn mower troubleshooting for these common problems.

    12 Lawn Mower Problems and Troubleshooting (2)


    Lawn Mower Won’t Start

    This is an easy one to troubleshoot. If it turns over but your mower won’t start, chances are you’ve got stale gasoline in the tank or the carburetor bowl. Gas goes stale after sitting for a while. So if you’ve just taken your mower out of winter storage and didn’t drain the tank before putting it away, bad gas is likely the problem.

    Luckily, it’s simple to fix. Drain the old gas from the tank, then unbolt the carburetor bowl and drain the gas inside into a cup or container. Shoot a little carb cleaner into the bowl, then add fresh gas. Chances are, your mower will start up.

    12 Lawn Mower Problems and Troubleshooting (3)

    Tim Stocker Photography/Getty Images

    Lawn Mower Won’t Turn Over

    The simplest and most likely cause here is a bad, dirty or loose spark plug. If the plug is oily, caked with gunk or poorly connected, your engine won’t start.

    Disconnect the spark plug wire, then remove and inspect the plug. Clean any oily residue you find with rubbing alcohol and remove any black carbon buildup with a small wire brush. Or simply buy and install a new spark plug.

    12 Lawn Mower Problems and Troubleshooting (4)

    SahinDamar/Getty Images

    Lawn Mower Starts, Then Stops

    Most likely, a clogged carburetor is the culprit. The residue left behind by stale gas can restrict flow through the carburetor, leading to a stalled engine. Remove the carburetor and clean it, then replace the stale fuel in the tank. If it still doesn’t start, then you might need to replace the fuel filter of your lawn mower.

    Another possibility is a clogged fuel cap. Look for small vent holes that allow air into the gas tank as fuel is consumed. If they’re blocked by grass or other debris, the resulting vacuum will make the engine stall.

    12 Lawn Mower Problems and Troubleshooting (5)

    Andrii Borodai/Getty Images

    Lawn Mower Pull Cord Problems

    Most of the time, this means a stuck or “frozen” pull cord that won’t budge when you tug on it.

    Many push mowers come with a swiveling plastic flap at the back to stop grass and other debris from flying out. If this folds forward beneath the mower, it can prevent the blade from rotating when you pull the cord to start up. Simply lift the mower, fold the flap back where it belongs, and all should be well.

    If that’s not the problem, pull cord replacement is always an option.

    12 Lawn Mower Problems and Troubleshooting (6)

    Douglas Sacha/Getty Images

    Lawn Mower Smoking

    If your push lawn mower starts smoking, it’s probably burning oil. If you’ve recently changed the oil, you may have overfilled the reservoir. Some oil may be dribbling out on a hot part of the engine, where it’ll burn off and smoke. Draining a little oil out will solve the problem.

    Another cause is a piston ring malfunction, leading to oil leaking and burn. New piston rings are easy to install.

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    vavlt/Getty Images

    Lawn Mower Loses Speed

    If your mower slows noticeably during use, check the blade. Any buildup of dirt and grass clippings can restrict the blade’s movement, causing the engine to work harder.

    Shut off the mower, disconnect the spark plug wire, then turn the mower over. Clean dirt and grass from the blade and underside of the mower deck.

    Another possibility is a dirty air filter. Dust and debris can restrict air as it moves through the engine, leading to improper combustion and loss of power. Fix this by cleaning or replacing the air filter.

    12 Lawn Mower Problems and Troubleshooting (8)

    Christa Boaz/Getty Images

    Lawn Mower Won’t Turn Off

    Sometimes a lawn mower will start and run just fine, but won’t turn off when you release the blade control handle. This is often caused when the mower’s switch stop tab doesn’t contact the control bracket when you release the handle. Chances are the mower took a hard impact at some point, knocking these two parts askew.

    The fix is easy as long as you know where to look. Remove the protective shroud from the top of the engine, then find the switch stop. (Refer to your owner’s manual if you’re unsure.) Grab a screwdriver and gently bend the switch stop downward until it touches the control bracket. Once that’s done, your mower should shut off just fine.

    12 Lawn Mower Problems and Troubleshooting (9)

    Akchamczuk/Getty Images

    Lawn Mower Consumes Too Much Gas

    Most times when I’ve dealt with a lawn mower that burns too much gas, it’s because of a dirty air filter. Air filters allow a specific amount of air into the engine to create the gas-air mixture needed for proper combustion. If your engine is running too rich, chances are there’s a dirty filter restricting air flow, causing it burn more gas and less air than it should.

    Remove the air filterand give it a good cleaning with an air compressor, or simply buy and install a new one.

    12 Lawn Mower Problems and Troubleshooting (10)

    Francisco Solipa/Getty Images

    Lawn Mower Overheats

    Every time I’ve had a lawn mower overheat, it’s been due to a dirty engine.

    Air passages run through the engine to cool it. When these become clogged with grass clippings and other debris, your engine won’t have sufficient air flow to cool itself during use and could easily overheat. Let it go too long and you risk serious damage to your mower.

    Remove the mower’s protective shroud, then clean out all passages with an air compressor and spray attachment.

    12 Lawn Mower Problems and Troubleshooting (11)

    Elena Medoks/Getty Images

    Lawn Mower Doesn’t Cut Grass

    Ragged cuts indicate a dull or damaged mower blade, but not cutting grass at all is a different story. If that’s the case, your blade was installed incorrectly — probably upside down.

    Disconnect the mower’s spark plug, then check the blade. The upturned wings should face toward the mower deck. If not, remove the blade and flip it over.

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    Artur Henryk Bialosiewicz/Getty Images

    Lawn Mower Cutting Uneven

    Every so often, your lawn will look ragged and unkept after mowing rather than short and neat. When this happens, a dull blade is almost certainly the cause.

    Disconnect the spark plug, then flip the mower upside down. Remove the blade with a socket wrench, then examine the edge. If it seems dull or corroded, purchase and install a properly sized replacement. Or if you’re good with a grinder, you can sharpen the blade yourself. Just be sure to wear gloves, eye protection and hearing protection.

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    vadimguzhva/Getty Images

    Lawn Mower Is Bumpy/Bouncy

    A push mower that vibrates excessively while running could have a bent, cracked, broken or unevenly sharpened blade. If you’ve hit something hard with your mower or sharpened the blade recently, there’s a decent chance your blade is now unbalanced. This throws the rotation of your engine out of whack and leads to all sorts of unwanted movement.

    Disconnect the spark plug, then inspect the blade. If it’s cracked, broken or bent, replace it immediately. If you sharpened it recently, hang it on a nail by the central hole and see if it dips to one side or the other. Even it up on your grinder until it sits level.

    Originally Published: March 23, 2023


    Robert Maxwell

    Robert Maxwell is a seasoned carpenter, builder, cabinetmaker, homesteader, stone mason and mechanic. He's been sharing his knowledge through digital and print articles since 2010. Robert lives in a self-built cabin in the woods in Northern Ontario, Canada with his wife and daughter.

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    12 Lawn Mower Problems and Troubleshooting (14)

    12 Lawn Mower Problems and Troubleshooting (2024)


    How do I find out what's wrong with my lawn mower? ›

    How to Troubleshoot a Lawn Mower That Won't Start
    1. Check the Gas Tank. ...
    2. Check the Fuel Filter. ...
    3. Test the Battery. ...
    4. Check the Oil Level. ...
    5. Check the Spark Plugs. ...
    6. Clean or Replace the Air Filter. ...
    7. Raise the Height of Your Mower. ...
    8. Clean the Underside of Your Mower.
    Mar 15, 2022

    Why is my lawn mower not getting gas to the spark plugs? ›

    The problem could be the age of the fuel in the tank, dirt or debris in the carburetor or an obstructed fuel tank vent. Other causes could be a fouled spark plug or a dirty or clogged fuel filter that restricts the amount of fuel getting to the carburetor.

    How do I know if my lawn mower has a clogged carburetor? ›

    The main sign of a dirty carburetor is that your lawn mower won't start, especially after winter. Alternatively, if your lawn mower starts then dies, it's not getting fuel to the combustion chamber.

    How do you diagnose lawn problems? ›

    Some of the most common signs of a lawn disease problem include symptoms like:
    1. Spots or lesions on grass blades.
    2. Small, repetitive spots throughout turf areas.
    3. Irregularly-shaped patches of discoloration throughout the lawn.
    4. Webby fungal structures (seen easily when there is dew in the morning)

    What is the most common reason why a Briggs & Stratton small engine won't run correctly? ›

    A common issue is a clogged carburetor from stale gas. Using a fuel stabilizer keeps fuel fresh and the carburetor from gumming and varnishing. Third step, check the ignition system with a spark tester. Step four, replace the spark plug and reconnect the spark plug wire.

    How do I know if I have a bad starter solenoid in my lawn mower? ›

    Bridge the gap between the posts with your insulated screwdriver. If the starter spins when you make contact, the solenoid is bad; if the starter does not spin, the starter is bad.

    Will a bad spark plug cause a lawn mower not to start? ›

    The more worn or dirty spark plugs are, the greater the pull on the rewind and more effort is required to produce an adequate spark. If you haven't turned on your engine recently, your mower won't start and/or you have to tug repeatedly on the rewind to start the engine, a damaged spark plug may be the culprit.

    Why does my lawn mower sputter but wont start? ›

    Check the spark plug

    “A very common reason why a lawn mower won't start is faulty spark plugs,” says Hicks. “You can first try to clean and tighten them, but if that doesn't work, they may need to be replaced.” Also, check that the lawn mower spark plug cable is connected to the plug itself.

    Why is my lawn mower not pulling fuel? ›

    Loose, Dirty or Disconnected Spark Plug in Your Lawn Mower: Check it out, clean off debris, re-connect and tighten. Dirty Air Filter: Clean or replace. Fuel Not Reaching the Engine: Tap the side of the carburetor to help the flow of gas. If this doesn't work, you might need a new fuel filter.

    What causes no spark on a lawn mower? ›

    If no spark appears, check for broken wires, shorts, grounds or a defective stop switch. Once you have confirmed that the stop switch is working, reconnect the spark plug lead.

    How do you unclog a carburetor without removing it? ›

    Spray liberally with carb cleaner – trying to direct the cleaner into the jets – and leave to soak for a few minutes. Use an air line (or a can of pressurised air, sold as an 'air duster') to blow through the jets. Repeat the previous step and this one until you can see no more gunge.

    Is there a way to clean a lawn mower carburetor with without removing it? ›

    Use Carburetor Cleaner

    Fortunately, you can generally do this without even taking the carburetor out of the engine. Start by purchasing some commercial lawnmower carburetor cleanerOpens a new window, which comes in a simple spray can and will make it easy to clean the inside and outside of the carb.

    Why is my lawn mower not running at full power? ›

    Replace dirty or clogged fuel filter. Replace old gas with fresh gas (properly dispose of old gas). Check oil level and add if low. Adjust cutting height of mower before cutting tall grass.

    Why is my lawn mower running but not cutting? ›

    If the riding lawn mower runs but the blades won't cut the grass, the problem could be with the blade belt. Examine and replace the belt if you find it worn or broken. If the belt is okay, check the blade belt idler pulley, blade clutch cable and clutch lever assembly on tractors with manual blade actuators.

    How to fix a lawn mower that won't stay running? ›

    Loose, Dirty or Disconnected Spark Plug in Your Lawn Mower: Check it out, clean off debris, re-connect and tighten. Dirty Air Filter: Clean or replace. Fuel Not Reaching the Engine: Tap the side of the carburetor to help the flow of gas. If this doesn't work, you might need a new fuel filter.

    How many years should a lawn mower last? ›

    Age is Just a Number

    Most lawn mowers generally have a lifespan of eight to 10 years. If your lawn mower is older than this, it may be time to consider replacing it.

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    Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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    Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.